The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly (0xc0000142)? How To Fix

You may encounter issues if DLL files need to be added to your Windows PC. DLL error code 0xc0000142 is an issue that can arise from missing or damaged DLL files. Well, the error message “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142)” may appear if you attempt to launch a program on your PC and encounter this error. Typically, this issue is caused by the DLL file or problems with the Visual C++ Redistributable package. This post will help you fix the problem if the application does not launch on your PC and you receive the error code 0xc0000142.

The Application Was Unable To Start Correctly (0xc0000142)? How To Fix

To help you fix “The Application Was Unable to Start Correctly (0xc0000142),” here are some troubleshooting steps.

Fix Corrupted Files

Typically, this error is caused by corrupted system files. You can run SFC scan on your PC to scan for corrupted files and fix them.

sfc /scannow

Update Windows 

This issue was resolved for many users by upgrading Windows to the most recent version. Check to see if you still face the issue after updating Windows.

Scan PC For Virus

Viruses and malware could corrupt your system and system files. You can repair the virus infection by running a virus scan. Follow the instructions below to scan your PC for viruses.

Running Windows Security to scan your PC for the virus is unnecessary. If you’ve a third-party antivirus installed on your PC, you can use it to run the virus scan.

Run Program In Compatibility Mode

The ‘The Application Was Unable to Start Correctly (0xc0000142’ error may also occur if the program is incompatible with the operating system. Launching the program in compatibility mode to fix this issue.

Reregister DLL Files

Reregistering the DLL files is another method you can attempt. By following the instructions listed below, you can reregister the DLL files.

for %i in (%windir%\system32*.dll) do regvr32.exe / s%i
for %i in (%windir%\system32*.dll) do regvr32.exe / s%i

Reinstall Redistributable Packages

The Visual C++ Redistributable package may also cause you to face this issue. It can be reinstalled to fix the issue.

The Bottom Line:

Issues such as ‘The Application Was Unable to Start Correctly (0xc0000142)’ are common in Windows, and the steps mentioned above should assist in fixing this issue. If the problem persists, you may need to reset or reinstall your Windows PC. This guide helped resolve the issue you’ve been facing.

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